The Tadano Group holds as its Business Objective the implementation of our Corporate Philosophy of "Creation, Contribution, and Cooperation", which pairs with our Vision that is expressed as "Pursuing Further Excellence for the World and the Future." Based on these concepts and in keeping with the belief from the time of Tadano's founding that a company can exist only when it is in harmony with the people around it and the greater society, we have conducted business activities with a focus on harmony with our stakeholders. In the spirit of "great harmony," we want to contribute to a better global environment as a part of the society. As we step forward into our second century of business operations, we seek to achieve long-term growth as a company. These concepts drive Tadano as we engage in ESG and SDGs.
In April 2021, we expressed support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and declared our goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Tadano has established the Sustainability Committee, which is composed of all the chiefs of each division and chaired by the company president, as well as the Risk Committee that carries out and supervises business risk management for the Tadano Group, and the Environmental Committee that promotes environmental initiatives.
In 2021, we established the CO2/Energy Reduction Subcommittee as an organization within the Environmental Committee. This subcommittee is studying specific action to take, sharing information among different divisions, and working for continued improvements aimed at achieving long-term targets.
The CO2/Energy Reduction Subcommittee has studied the transition risks and opportunities resulting from the so-called 2℃ scenario, as well as the physical risks and opportunities resulting from the 4℃ scenario, and has produced the following analysis regarding risks and opportunities in the Tadano Group. (As of March 31, 2022)

Risk Management
Twice each year, the Risk Committee identifies and evaluates business risks, identifies the departments responsible for addressing each risk and carrying out response measures, and reviews the results. Starting from FY 2022, the same process will be used to also regularly identify, evaluate, and manage climate change risks, as well as provide reports to the Board of Directors.
Metrics and Targets
Long-term environmental targets for the Tadano Group are a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions from business activities and a 35% reduction in CO2 emissions from product use by 2030 (all compared with FY 2019 baseline).
Changes in CO2 emissions from Tadano Group business activities (Scope 1/ Scope 2) are as shown below.

*1: Applicable to all business locations in Japan (including group companies and plants, etc.).
*2: Applicable to five production locations outside Japan. The scope of calculation will be expanded to other group companies outside Japan in the future.
*3: Intensity with the Tadano Group sales amount as the denominator is indicated (CO2: ton/sales: 100 million yen).
Future Actions
The Environmental Committee will play a central role in discussing measures aimed at addressing climate change, and we will continue to undertake our group-wide efforts. Specifically, the following measures will be considered in FY 2022 and beyond, and we will disclose the related information as each is carried out.
- Calculation and disclosure of Scope 3 CO2 emissions, including CO2 emissions from product use (together with the basis for the calculations)
- Supply chain initiatives to address climate change
- Quantified disclosure of scenario analysis and establishment/disclosure of materiality