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Privacy Policy

1) Personal Data Protection Policy

Tadano Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us") acquires and uses information such as customer's names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in the undertaking of our daily work. We recognize that the proper protection of a customer's personal data (hereinafter referred to as just "personal data") is a serious obligation, and in order to fulfill this responsibility, we handle personal data under the following policy.

  1. We will comply with laws concerning the protection of personal data and other related laws and regulations. We will handle personal data in appropriately in accordance with practices concerning the handling of personal data generally accepted as fair and reasonable. Also, we will make efforts to improve handling as appropriate.
  2. We will clearly define regulations concerning the handling of personal data and thoroughly inform employees. We will also insist that our business partners handle personal data appropriately.
  3. Upon acquiring personal data, we will notify or announce the purpose of use, and handle the personal data in accordance with that purpose.
  4. Appropriate measures will be taken in order to prevent the leakage, loss or tampering with of personal data.
  5. We will accept and respond in good faith to requests made from the customer herself/ himself through a predetermined point of contact for the disclosure, correction, deletion or suspension of use of personal data.

We will handle personal data dutifully in the following manner.

2) Purpose of Use

We will use the personal data provided to us within the scope of the objectives listed below.In addition, in order to conduct business smoothly, we may outsource parts of our work and provide personal data to a third party subcontractor. However in this case, we will conduct appropriate supervision including making a contract between Tadano and the third party concerning the handling of personal data.

  1. Provision of services such as sales, repair and inspection of our products or for procurement of raw materials or similar.
  2. Conducting questionnaire surveys and creating statistical materials and other information related to products, services, and sales planning based on the survey results..
  3. Provision of products, services and various materials requested.
  4. Responding to comments and inquiries, and sending promotional giveaways.
  5. Providing information regarding products, services, events, questionnaires, and other matters related to us or our affiliates.
  6. Conducting other work related to each of the above or separately obtained with the customer's consent

About the handling of personal data on our website

3) Disclosure or Provision to a Third Party

We will not disclose or provide personal data to third parties except in case of outsourcing work as described in '2. Purpose of Use' or in any of the following cases.

  1. When we have the consent of the data subject herself/ himself.
  2. When disclosing/ providing statistical data in a state where the data subject cannot be identified.
  3. Cases where disclosure/ provision is required by law.
  4. Cases where it is necessary for the protection of the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain consent from the data subject.
  5. Cases where it is necessary in order to cooperate with a national or local public entity and there is a risk of impeding the execution of the entity's work by obtaining the data subject's consent.

4) Disclosure to the Data Subject

If you would like us to disclose your personal data to you we will do so within a reasonable time period after confirming your identity as the data subject.

5) Correction or Deletion

If you would like us to correct, add to or delete parts of your personal data we will do so within a reasonable period of time after confirming your identity as the data subject in the case that the data we possess contains misinformation.

6) Suspension of Use/ Removal of Data

If you would like us to suspend the use of or remove your personal data altogether we will do so after confirming your identity as the data subject within a reasonable period of time. If you request the removal or suspension of use of your personal data we may be unable to offer certain services to you. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in regards to this. Please note that we may be unable to suspend the use of personal data which we are required to have by law.

7) The Processing of Personal Data of Individuals within the EEA (European Economic Area)

Each company of the Tadano Group shall process personal data of individuals within the European Economic Area in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, please read the following privacy notice.

Privacy Notice: The Processing of Personal Data of Individuals within the EEA

8) Inquiries

Please address any inquiries on personal information to the following e-mail address.


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