In 2019, Tadano Ltd. celebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding. As part of the commemorations, we donated a third crane to Easter Island, Chile, where we have had a connection for many years. On December 9, 2019, we held a press announcement at our company and invited the Republic of Chile ambassador to Japan, Julio Fiol, to attend.

(From left) His Excellency Ambassador Julio Fiol, President and CEO Koichi Tadano
Our relationship with Easter Island began when the governor of Easter Island was interviewed for a Japanese television program and said that the island could lift up the toppled Moai statues if only it had a crane. Tadano began the Moai Restoration Project in 1991, and donated a rough terrain crane to Easter Island. With the cooperation of the Chilean government, archeologists, and others, 15 Moai statues were returned to their altars (in Ahu Tongariki) in 1995.
Subsequently the friendship between Easter Island and Tadano continued, and when we received notice that the crane had broken down, we donated a second rough terrain crane in 2005.
Recently, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of our company, we decided to donate a third rough terrain crane to the island. In the same way as the second crane, we hope that this crane will serve as a valuable machine that will continue to help support the lives of the island residents.
<Reference> Information about the donated crane

Rough Terrain Crane (GR-1000XL)
Maximum lifting capacity: 100 tons (90.7 metric tons)
Overall length: 14.375 m
Overall width: 3.315 m
Overall height: 3.795 m
(Model for North America and Central/ South America)