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Tadano employees lift the future with collaborative forestation activities

Jan. 20, 2022

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Tadano seeks to harmonize with the natural world as part of the company’s initiatives contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the United Nations in 2015.

In this spirit, the company held the second “Tadano Manabi no Mori-zukuri” (Tadano Forest of Learning) event on November 20th. This fun and educational event, created by Tadano in collaboration with Kagawa Prefecture (home to the company’s headquarters) brought Tadano employees, family members, and other volunteers together to plant trees while learning and sharing through related activities.


The forestation activities began with tree planting, including 30 small seedlings (East Asian Cherries, Japanese Maples, and Jolcham Oaks) that were gifted from Tadano in commemoration of its 100th Anniversary of Founding. Two middle Yoshino Cherry Tree seedlings were also planted. Families worked together to dig up and prepare the ground, visibly enjoying the activity while placing plates with their names on the planted saplings, marking the significance of their work.

“It was a good experience for children,” said one participant. “This is not something they can experience every day.”


During the work, prefectural officers observed the trees and taught participants about the characteristics and origins of their names while walking together through the forest. Explanations were interesting and enjoyable not only for children but also for adults, who could learn the reason why Yoshino cherry trees had moss on their branches and were introduced also to the characteristics of oak leaves.

In all, 40 people participated in this second event with the support of Tadano Group employees and their families, as well as members of the Kagawa Prefecture, Sanuki City, and Eastern Kagawa Forestry Association. All worked together to create an environment where people felt the importance of environmental conservation through forest maintenance, as well as to foster exchanges and conversation while participating.

“It was good to be able to talk with employees from other departments that I don’t usually meet,” noted one Tadano employee.


This work helps Tadano pursue its own SDG goals, in particular goal #4 (Quality Education), #15 (Life on Land), and #17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Tadano will continue to promote local forestation activities while planting trees and developing lawn plazas. Although still a fledgling activity, Tadano welcomes everyone interested in proactively contributing to these initiatives and helping harmonize the company and its employees with the natural world all around us.


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