Dec. 1, 2021
Tadano goes to the beach - to clean and promote sustainability

From the time of our founding, the Tadano Group has held the firm belief that a company can exist only when it is in harmony with the people around it and greater society. Under this belief, we have carried out our business activities while prioritizing harmony with our stakeholders.
In that spirit, Tadano held its first Beach Cleanup on 2 October 2021 on the coast of Takamatsu City in Kagawa Prefecture, where Tadano maintains its headquarters and many of its plants face the sea. Beach cleanup activities were created with the aim of “protecting the richness of the Seto Inland Sea,” connecting to SDG’s Goal 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.”

Formed in cooperation with NPO Archipelago and the Kagawa-based Professional Soccer Team Kamatamare Sanuki, the group effort included 48 volunteers consisting of Tadano employees and their families. They divided into groups and picked up trash and marine debris on the beach, using an ICC (International Coastal Cleanup) survey data sheet. In less than one hour, the team filled 18 45L-capacity trash bags, amounting to nearly 60 kg of marine debris.
Afterwards, the survey provided analysis into the most frequently collected trash, which turned out to be dominated by plastic, glass, and cigarette butts.
Mr. Morita of NPO Archipelago offered comprehensive reflection on the survey results, discussing the effects of marine debris on fish, as well as treasures that can be salvaged from marine debris… capturing attentions of both adults and kids.

Kids participating in the discussion offered positive impressions of the experience and the consequences of removing marine debris. Observations included "picking up trash is not embarrassing, it's cool!" and "It's important to pick up trash, but I want to devise ways to prevent it from being put out.”
Adults felt it was a day well spent, and a good time to remind themselves on the importance of serving as good stewards of the planet. “The beach cleanup was an opportunity to think about the present situation and the future,” one participant said, “It was also very meaningful time spent.”
Observations arose about how people can improve the environment with not just trash cleanup efforts, but little changes in day-to-day habits. As one participant noted: “It seems that a lot of marine debris is what we usually use in our daily lives. Starting with small things around us in our daily life, such as separating garbage properly and reusing it well, will help protect the richness of the sea.”
Another offered, “I realize there are two ways to help protect the ocean: to actually do cleanup, and to change our mindset towards it.”
While the 60 kg of marine debris collected is miniscule compared to the global scale, Tadano embraces this event as an opportunity to lead to understanding and learning about marine conservation and continue to carry out various initiatives in cooperation with its employees and local communities.